IT Sales Intern
  • Nimblechapps Pvt Ltd
  • Ahmedabad
  • 0 - 0
  • 0.00 - 0.50
  • 19-Feb-2025

About the job

We are hiring IT Sales Intern, has to find the lead, communicate with potential client and convert them into the actual client.

Job Description

Internship Description:
• Generate prospective leads through various portals you are given
• Scout various domestic and international tenders and prepare a list of relevant tenders to bid on
• Prepare all the tender-related documents and submit the tenders before the deadline
• Prepare a list of questions and queries for the tenders and ask those to tender authorities in a timely fashion
• Log all the tender-related activities along with their timelines into the system
• Follow up on the submitted tenders and provide further details and documents as and when required
• Fulfil your biweekly tender targets
• Fulfil weekly leads generation target

Job Type



529, Iscon Emporio, Besides Star Bazaar, Jodhpur Cross Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015

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