IT Sales Intern
  • Nimblechapps Pvt Ltd
  • Ahmedabad
  • 0 - 0
  • 0.00 - 0.50
  • 19-फरवरी-2025

About the job

We are hiring IT Sales Intern, has to find the lead, communicate with potential client and convert them into the actual client.

नौकरी का विवरण

Internship Description:
• Generate prospective leads through various portals you are given
• Scout various domestic and international tenders and prepare a list of relevant tenders to bid on
• Prepare all the tender-related documents and submit the tenders before the deadline
• Prepare a list of questions and queries for the tenders and ask those to tender authorities in a timely fashion
• Log all the tender-related activities along with their timelines into the system
• Follow up on the submitted tenders and provide further details and documents as and when required
• Fulfil your biweekly tender targets
• Fulfil weekly leads generation target

नौकरी के प्रकार



529, Iscon Emporio, Besides Star Bazaar, Jodhpur Cross Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015

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