One of the most important aspects which a job seeker looks at is the Salary. Depending on the experience range,qualifications,skills,talents etc. an individual is offered a certain salary package.
On an average, a person with ms office skills, in bangalore location would earn 1.9 lacs annually at Entry level(0-3 years experience), 0 lacs annually at Mid-Level(4-7 years experience) and more than 0 lacs annually at Senior Level(7+years experience).
for ms office jobs, in bangalore location, more salary insights are as followed:
Experience level of Youth | Minimum Annual Salary (Rs. Lacs) | Average Min. Annual Salary (Rs. Lacs) | Maximum Annual Salary (Rs. Lacs) | Average Max. Annual Salary (Rs. Lacs) | Average Annual Salary (Rs. Lacs) |
Entry Level (0-3 years) | 1.2 | 1.2 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 1.9 |
Since salary is the top most factor which an individual generally considers while taking up a new job. Hence, one needs to be updated about the latest salary trends in the market.