हमारे बारे में

B. A. M. college is named after Bishop Abraham Mar Thoma Metropolitan. For him, life was to wear out than to rust out. The institution upholds these ideas and conveys to the student community that devotion to truth and disciplined behaviour are the prime requirements for a successful life.

हमारे लिए काम क्यों करें

Our students should grow in wisdom and virtue to share with others,” You shall know the truth and truth shall make you free”. We diffuse spiritual thoughts that enable them to understand each one ‘s life in the light of supreme reality. We aim to build up sound inter-personal relationship

हम युवाओं के लिए क्या देख रहे हैं

The university targets to impart world-class training of the very best standard, sound learning, to construct up personality and instill the best possible ethical and religious values, uphold social justice and to share with others the fullness of life. Through a range of curricular and extra-curricular Programmes, we assist to develop and mature our college students to come to be properly educated, learned, self-confident, knowledgeable, capable, responsible, reliable, employable, morally upright, and caring younger adults to turn out to be profitable in lifestyles to serve the neighborhood and the country.

कार्यालय स्थान
Pathanamthitta , Thuruthicad P.O, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta (Dist.), Kerala – , 689 597
Popularity address map

(नवीनतम अद्यतन, समाचार और नौकरी के अवसर प्राप्त करने के लिए आज इस प्रतिभा समुदाय में शामिल हों!)
Abharam College https://www.static-contents.youth4work.com/y4w/Images/CompColleges/20230124151052.png'
Thuruthicad P.O, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta (Dist.), Kerala –,Bhubaneswar-689 597,Orissa,India Thuruthicad P.O, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta (Dist.), Kerala –,Bhubaneswar-689 597,Orissa,India Orissa 689 597 India
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