About Us

-Adi Infoserv Private Limited is a Private Company incorporated on 25 June 2013. It is classified as Indian Non-Government Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 100,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100,000.It is inolved in Data processing. [This includes the processing or tabulation of all types of data. Provision of such services on (i) an hourly or time -share basis, and (ii) management or operation of data processing facilities of others on a time sharing basis; on a fee or contract basis].

Adi Infoserv Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 28 September 2015 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2015.
Adi Infoserv Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U72300WB2013PTC195025 and its registration number is 195025.Its Email address is supportadi@hotmail.com and its registered address is C-13 TAGORE PARK, NASKARHAT, KOLKATA - 700039, West Bengal INDIA. Contact (Hr) 8583098424


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As per the latest jobs posted by Adi Infoserv Pvt Ltd they are regularly searching for job candidate with talents . They have latest openings. They freely communicate and hire freshers and experienced candidates who have filled their profiles and applied on their jobs at youth4work.What Adi Infoserv Pvt Ltd are looking for in the talent they add in their team is generally beyond just degrees and certificates but is the real passion for work a youth does. Which is generally seen by the detail profiles of youth and talent matrix of Youth. The updates on latest interview in Kolkata, Recruitment process of Adi Infoserv Pvt Ltd will be shared here. Follow and become a part of their talent community at Youth4work. By Following, Your profile will be fully seen, you can be contacted directly by the companies.

Kolkata , C13 Naskarhat Tagore Park Kolkta 700039 , 700039
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Adi Infoserv Pvt Ltd https://www.static-contents.youth4work.com/y4w/Images/CompColleges/873532.jpg?v=20160216114741'
C13 Naskarhat Tagore Park Kolkta 700039,Kolkata-700039,West Bengal,India C13 Naskarhat Tagore Park Kolkta 700039,Kolkata-700039,West Bengal,India West Bengal 700039 India
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