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Aarya And Unnat sae (1 Jobs) Accomplish India International Foundationse (1 Jobs) Acro International LLP (1 Jobs) Algogenius Worlds Private Limitedw (1 Jobs) Ananta Vinayana Sadhyam Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Arora Life Style Pvt Ltdsre (1 Jobs) Assen Infotech Pvty (1 Jobs) AT Broadband (1 Jobs) Atlasease Exprots Private Limited aw (1 Jobs) Avante (4 Jobs) AWS Database Speciality Exam Dumps (1 Jobs) Balwom (3 Jobs) Bhudeva Abp Private Limited ae (1 Jobs) Bytonic Web Solution Private Limited se (1 Jobs) Canara Records (1 Jobs) Clear zone (1 Jobs) Corner Art Store Pvt Ltdszrrse (1 Jobs) Covaii Job (1 Jobs) Custom Caps Hats UK (1 Jobs) Delta Recruitment Consultants Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Dewiit Technologies (1 Jobs) Dominator Gummies (4 Jobs) Dominator Gummies NZ (4 Jobs) Dubai Carpenter (1 Jobs) Dussun Will (1 Jobs) easy translation (1 Jobs) Eco Certificates (1 Jobs) Erexol (1 Jobs) Essay Writer NZ (1 Jobs) Finn Alien (1 Jobs) Fitex se (4 Jobs) Flood Cleanup (1 Jobs) Foot Trooper Reseñas (1 Jobs) Gigwork Services (1 Jobs) Gluconol (1 Jobs) Glyco Balance New Zealand (4 Jobs) Glyco Balance New Zealand NZ (4 Jobs) Human resources manager seae (1 Jobs) Invensis Technologies (2 Jobs) Kumheriya Projects Private Limitedse (1 Jobs) Luxury Liquors Pvt Ltd szeLuxury Liquors Pvt Ltde (1 Jobs) M jhawar and Associates (1 Jobs) Macron Logi Service Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Mdc Edu Innovation Pvt Ltd s (1 Jobs) Mishra Furniture House Pvt Ltd sref (1 Jobs) Mold Remediation (1 Jobs) Navjosh Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd aesde (1 Jobs) Navjosh Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd zede (1 Jobs) NSK Hospitals Ltd (1 Jobs) OWFH RECRUITMENT PVT LTD (4 Jobs) Pana Acadamy (1 Jobs) panacorp Research Acadamy (1 Jobs) Patches Maker UK (1 Jobs) PayStubs Planet (1 Jobs) Rinnova Pro (1 Jobs) RRS (1 Jobs) Smart Online Marketing (1 Jobs) Take My TEAS Exam (1 Jobs) TcollegeDayz Private Limited (1 Jobs) Wikipedia Creation England (1 Jobs) Write My Essay UK (1 Jobs) Y8 Space Consumer Private Limited (3 Jobs) Zotono (1 Jobs)
Avante (4 Jobs) Dominator Gummies (4 Jobs) Dominator Gummies NZ (4 Jobs) Fitex se (4 Jobs) Glyco Balance New Zealand (4 Jobs) Glyco Balance New Zealand NZ (4 Jobs) OWFH RECRUITMENT PVT LTD (4 Jobs) Balwom (3 Jobs) Y8 Space Consumer Private Limited (3 Jobs) Invensis Technologies (2 Jobs) Aarya And Unnat sae (1 Jobs) Accomplish India International Foundationse (1 Jobs) Acro International LLP (1 Jobs) Algogenius Worlds Private Limitedw (1 Jobs) Ananta Vinayana Sadhyam Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Arora Life Style Pvt Ltdsre (1 Jobs) Assen Infotech Pvty (1 Jobs) AT Broadband (1 Jobs) Atlasease Exprots Private Limited aw (1 Jobs) AWS Database Speciality Exam Dumps (1 Jobs) Bhudeva Abp Private Limited ae (1 Jobs) Bytonic Web Solution Private Limited se (1 Jobs) Canara Records (1 Jobs) Clear zone (1 Jobs) Corner Art Store Pvt Ltdszrrse (1 Jobs) Covaii Job (1 Jobs) Custom Caps Hats UK (1 Jobs) Delta Recruitment Consultants Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Dewiit Technologies (1 Jobs) Dubai Carpenter (1 Jobs) Dussun Will (1 Jobs) easy translation (1 Jobs) Eco Certificates (1 Jobs) Erexol (1 Jobs) Essay Writer NZ (1 Jobs) Finn Alien (1 Jobs) Flood Cleanup (1 Jobs) Foot Trooper Reseñas (1 Jobs) Gigwork Services (1 Jobs) Gluconol (1 Jobs) Human resources manager seae (1 Jobs) Kumheriya Projects Private Limitedse (1 Jobs) Luxury Liquors Pvt Ltd szeLuxury Liquors Pvt Ltde (1 Jobs) M jhawar and Associates (1 Jobs) Macron Logi Service Pvt Ltd (1 Jobs) Mdc Edu Innovation Pvt Ltd s (1 Jobs) Mishra Furniture House Pvt Ltd sref (1 Jobs) Mold Remediation (1 Jobs) Navjosh Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd aesde (1 Jobs) Navjosh Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd zede (1 Jobs) NSK Hospitals Ltd (1 Jobs) Pana Acadamy (1 Jobs) panacorp Research Acadamy (1 Jobs) Patches Maker UK (1 Jobs) PayStubs Planet (1 Jobs) Rinnova Pro (1 Jobs) RRS (1 Jobs) Smart Online Marketing (1 Jobs) Take My TEAS Exam (1 Jobs) TcollegeDayz Private Limited (1 Jobs) Wikipedia Creation England (1 Jobs) Write My Essay UK (1 Jobs) Zotono (1 Jobs)

Fun Facts about Careers

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about competing job seekers - these 5900756 (100%) members out of total 5900756 in youth4work have 108538. register & build your youth4work profile to get ahead, get noticed and get known for your skills.
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Youth4work Insight

Candidates per Job

This is the market study, which shares the comparison of the number of people looking for job as compared to the jobs available. The Candidates per Job analysis reveals that on an average, there are about 5900756 potential job seekers for every TALENTS jobs .

Job opportunities vs. Talent pool

There is a major gap between the supply i.e. available talent in Talents demand i.e. total job opportunities available.

There are 91 (0.08%) jobs out of total 108538 job opportunities listed as compared to 5900756 (0.08%) youth having the talent out of total 5900756 registered youth at the platform.

Jobs vs Job seekers – Ratio

Job Seeker

Average number of job seekers for talents is more than average number of jobs available. So you have a tough competition.

Experience range

Fresher (0 yrs.)


Entry Level (1-3 Yrs.)


Mid Level (4-7 Yrs.)


Senior Level (7+ Yrs.)


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